The Kingma System “bass flutes”

The small-bore Kingma System basse flutes have bass flutes notes in brackets. However, they may differ depending on the instrument and the user.

Bass flutes sound an octave less than what is written. This is also notated in the Treble Clef. This instrument is not considered a bass instrument in the sense that the majority of its range is above middle C.

 System upright bass flutes

The Kingma System upright bass flutes have a low B footjoint similar to the one found on the C flute. Because the tube is longer and has more keywork, the upright design can accommodate the extra weight.

Although the B footjoint’s response is slightly Stand slower than that of a C footjoint due to the tube length, the benefits in terms of extended techniques and the harmonic series at low b (which can also been heard in a rich multiphonic) make it completely worthwhile.

The b is a difficult key to play because three gaming desk keys must be held simultaneously by one finger. The same finger is used to produce c sharp’, sharp’, and c’ notes. It is important to avoid rapid movements around these notes, and not use these pitches for extended passages.

The range of the upper bass flutes varies depending on a variety of factors including the bore size, headjoint design, and individual players’ skills. High pitches have limited dynamic control and require a lot of air so they cannot be sustained for extended periods. Individual notes in the higher registers may be harder to hear than others on some instruments. High e ”’, is a common example. To make the note sound clear, it may require additional venting, such as partially opening one or more of the trill keys. High register bass flutes can sound airy and difficult to control.

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